Boxing Terminology

Jab: A quick punch using your forward hand (left for righties, right for lefties)

1.   Get into a boxing or fighting stance: Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart, with your dominant foot in the back and your front shoulder and foot pointing ahead. Make fists with your thumbs outside your knuckles and raise both fists in front of your chin.

2.   Extend your lead (front) arm straight ahead and turn your fists so your knuckles point up and your palms face down.

3.   Snap your arm back in front of your face.


Cross: A punch across your body from the back hand (right for righties, left for lefties)

1.   Start in a boxing stance, fists in front of your chin.

2.   Pivot your back foot and rotate your torso forward.

3.   As you rotate, extend your rear arm forward, keeping your knuckles up and palms down.

4.   Rotate back to fighting stance and bring your rear hand back up in front of your chin.


Hook: A sweeping strike from across the body, swinging the arm which is bent at an angle of approx. 90 degrees.

Start in a boxing stance, fists in front of your chin.

1.   Rotate your body forward and transfer weight to your front leg.

2.   Bring your lead arm up to shoulder height with your elbow bent at a 90-degree angle.

3.   Pivot on your front leg and turn your torso to follow through on the punch.

4.   Rotate back to a boxing stance.


Uppercut: A punch upward using power from your hips to strike with either hand.


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