Client results are the benchmark to my success and this is what drives me to deliver the best fitness and nutrition advice for you.


i found my why!

Grace has helped me find my “Why” and gives me the confidence and knowledge to achieve my goals and be my best.



Getting that healthy balance

A hard fkn post for me lol cringing so hard over the old pics of me so pls be nice but I wouldn’t be where I am today without you @fitnnourish  @graceleach1 ❤️ If you know me, you know I absolutely love to party but this was my biggest weight gain factor. Drinking, partying and not eating. Training with Gracie I now know the healthy balance of partying and eating what I love but also focusing on my health and fitness. I never thought I’d be happy in my own skin again; I was in a bad head space with the way I looked and today I can now say I have never felt so confident and happy in my own skin. Grace has been there for me constantly week in and week out, when I didn’t feel like showing up, when I didn’t feel like I’m hitting goals she somehow pulled me out of this head space every single time teaching me valuable lessons along the way. I fucking love her for it, so if you aren’t training with Gracie then you’re missing out ✌🏼



an amazing pt!

Grace is one of the sweetest, hardworking, compassionate and intelligent souls. Investing in grace as your PT or writing your splits is an investment that will improve your gym sessions immensely. Having someone like grace in your corner is a blessing, she really is a gem. An amazing PT and a beautiful person 💘💘

I have been training with Grace since October last year with the goal to improve my body composition & feel stronger. I follow a structured training program that Grace and I tailor based on my check ins/ progress. Not only have I put on 2cm around my glutes, but I am a completely different person between these 2 pics; exercise is SO much more than physical appearance! I have also improved my relationship with food, eating more to effectively build my muscle & strength in the gym. I am so proud of how far I have come & I can’t wait to continue my fitness journey right beside you Grace. Bridge

My time with grace as my current PT, has not been for a long time but has been worthwhile! at times i feel weak and unmotivated and with all stressful things going on in every day life she always makes the time to text me and give me a beautiful message/quote to say I’ve got this and always keeps up to date with how I’m going! through the app she personalises every little detail to fit my needs and with what i need to work on. I’m quite uncoordinated so the technique library helps me out so much!  

The education resources in regards to meals, time and working on my fitness skills has been so helpful to me as well as the app, it keeps me on top of what i need to accomplish along with an amazing plan catered for me to what i need to work on to get me feeling and seeing those results! trust me, I’m gonna need her all the time to help me kick back into gear when I’m losing motivation! whenever we are face to face she really takes the time to be patient with the exercises, even when I’m not feeling well she does not push she caters everything to me and never makes me feel ashamed if I’m not going the hardest i can! she pushes me don’t get me wrong till I’m walking out the door with wobbly legs and that is the best feeling but there are always times where i may not be feeling 100% and she is one step behind your journey every step of the way! she da best 🔥


“What an adventure your training sessions have been! At first, I was super hesitant to get a PT because I was at a stage in my life where I couldn't justify the money. But thank goodness, I made the impulsive decision to sign up for your Nutrition meal plan package, which also incorporates two weekly 45mins training sessions! In six weeks, I have noticed massive changes in my strength, endurance & physique! My body has toned incredibly quickly by sticking to your meal plans. These days, I suffer from less decision fatigue on picking the right foods and more energy on getting out of the door & conquering my day. Consistency has been my best friend on this journey. Still, I probably wouldn't have kept myself so disciplined if I hadn't met beautiful little Gracie. Grace goes above & beyond to help support her clients. Grace knows how to help you achieve your goals; be that on supplements to take, dishing out great nutritional advice, or helping you perfect techniques on the gym floor. Her training sessions are like nothing I have experienced before; she gently encourages growth as a trainer by slowly progressing you with heavier weights. She inspires you to believe in yourself, even when you are hurting (in a good way), to complete a few more reps. I love working with Grace every week to get closer to my goals. Overall, Grace's sessions are fun, cost-effective, and rewarding. I only wish I had started sooner.”



“Grace pushes you in every training session. I always feel challenged and ready to push myself to limits. There’s never one session that’s been the same. She’s always introducing me to new gym equipment and exercises for various muscles. When I first started training with Grace she got me to write down my goals and she’s tailored every session towards these. During lockdowns she created a program and made the necessary changes to follow restrictions. This just shows her dedication to her business. I’ve noticed such a positive change in the way I feel both physically and mentally. I feel so much stronger and happier within myself and it’s all credit to Grace.”



“I could not have asked for a better PT than Grace. She has influenced me to become a better version of myself physically and mentally. Grace has inspired me to make measurable changes towards a healthier lifestyle. She has also motivated me in such way that exercise doesn’t feel like a chore anymore, I have learned to love it. We work simultaneously towards my goals each week.”



“Grace is such a great trainer with a great sense of humour. Every session with Grace is filled with laughter, her positive attitude empowers you to work out even harder. Grace’s positive and bubbly personality makes the sessions go so fast. She takes the time to get to know you and what your goals are and never makes you feel under pressure. She is very professional and definitely will help you achieve your fitness goals! I train with Grace as many times as possible during the week and her group workouts are always different , you don’t get bored and she really makes you work for it!”
