6 reasons to swap workouts (and how to do it right)

I understand what's in the Planner doesn't always work for everyone. Maybe you’re nursing an injury, still sore from your last session, or simply aren’t in the mood for the type of workout laid out for you.

Whatever the reason, you should know that I support you in listening to your body and shifting your weekly workouts – but I want to make sure you do it right.

I’ve put together this essential guide to swapping workouts, without sabotaging your goals. Let’s get swapping!

1. Your muscles are sore or tight

Heavy strength training can naturally lead to tight muscles, and tight muscles can lead to injury – and that’s something we’d all like to avoid. If you’ve been repping hard, your body might feel tighter than a coiled spring.

If that sounds like you, I recommend swapping your workout for a low-impact bodyweight workout or recovery session. Limber up with a pilates or stretching workout. 

Feeling tight, tight, tight? Let your body and mind unwind with stretching.

 2. You don't have the equipment 

Whether you’re on the road without access to your kettlebell stash, or the line for the squat rack at the gym is way too long, I’ve got minimal or no-equipment workouts you need to keep moving.

3. You miss that cardio boost

If strength and muscle gain is your goal, you may find yourself pining for a bit of sweaty cardio now and then. You can swap your regular HITT session: it’ll still help you work towards improved strength, but you’ll get the heart-pounding too.

It’s also fine to swap out your strength training for a more cardio-focused workout, like skipping or boxing sessions. Just remember that if you switch out too often, your muscle gain progress can slow.

4. The workout is too hard

If your Planner workout is simply too hard for your fitness level, you don’t have to throw it out entirely. Remember, you don’t have to complete all the exercises at the same level as Ive advised in order to get a great workout. Just do as much as you can, and it will get a little easier each time.

If you really can’t manage it at all (especially if you have an injury that prevents you from doing certain moves), swap it ‘like for like’ as much as possible. Cardio for cardio, strength for strength, glute session for glute session. 

5. The workout is too easy

First of all: great work on hitting those fitness goals! If you’re finding your regular workouts are no longer challenging you in the same way, it might be time to graduate.

If individual exercises feel too easy, don’t be afraid to progress those moves. For example, you can add weight to bodyweight exercises that no longer challenge you. If you’re finding weighted reps too easy during strength training, you may need to invest in heavier weights to progress. You can also add resistance bands to certain cardio moves, to make them more difficult.

6. You're time-poor today

Life gets busy, I get it. When work is crazy, it’s best to swap your regular workout for anything you can do to stay moving. Try a short workout of 25 minutes that can be done at your convenience at home.


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