5-ingredient Pork & Noodle Stir-fry

PREP 10 MIN COOK  10 MIN – serving 1 – multiply for extra people

 This stir-fry is so tasty with only 5 ingredients (plus oil)! You can flex this recipe as much you like: swap pork for chicken or tofu, sub in leafy greens, and if you can't find the sweet soy sauce kecap manis, use soy sauce mixed with honey.



100g fresh Hokkien noodles (or gluten free) 

1 1⁄2 tsp sesame oil 

1⁄2 garlic clove minced

150g pork fillet thinly sliced

1⁄2 bunch of Chinese broccoli (gai lan) (150g bunch) trimmed & cut into 4cm pieces

1 tbs kecap manis (sweet soy sauce) (or gluten-free equivalent)



Heat noodles according to packet instructions. Drain and set aside.

Heat a wok or large non-stick frypan over medium-high heat. Add oil, garlic and pork and stir-fry for 3-4 minutes until cooked. Transfer to a plate.

Add broccoli to wok and cook for 2-3 minutes until crisp-tender.

Return pork to wok with drained noodles and kecap manis. Toss to combine for a minute until heated through. 



 Energy (kJ) - 1775 kJ / 424 cals

Protein - 41.4 g

Fat - 11.3 g

Sat. Fat - 2.3 g

Carbs - 34.1 g

Sugar - 6.7 g

Fibre -4 g


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